Thursday, January 29, 2009


OK. I haven't blogged in awhile. I know we're supposed to be sharing our wonderful here is what we've had the last week or so...

Tonight: Garlic Chicken & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, & Lima Beans.
Wed: Mini Italian Cheese Stuffed Meatloaves (not sure what sides Don choose to serve, because I left while they were in the oven.)
Tues: Pizza & Yummy Salad
Mon: Red Snapper, Baked Drumsticks, Rice, Peaches & Salad.
Weekend: I'm sure it was fabulous, but it escapes me.
Fri: Pork Stir Fry with crunchy noodles & "Chinese Spaghetti" (noodles stir fried with Soy Sauce, spinach salad.

Wow! This is the MOST interesting post ever! LOL


Jossie said...

Seriously?! I don't remember the last time I cooked every night of the week. We normally have leftovers or something because I suck at cooking. Good for you!

mrsjtg said...

Gave me some good ideas...we haven't had lima beans in forever, and we love them!

Almen, Almond, or Almendra said...

oooo Chinese food! I haven't made stir fry in forever! See? your post is very useful! Plus you get to toot your own horn for cooking every night!

Shari said...

Yum! I keep meaning to make stir fry...I used to all the time.