Saturday, March 20, 2010

Star of the Week

Katie was "Star of the Week" in her class this week.  We (Don & I) filled out some letter for her, The Story of Your Birth, The Story of Your Name, and What I Like About You. Those letters and some baby pictures were turned into a poster displayed all week in her class.  On Friday Don, Alex and I joined her for lunch at school, then headed to her classroom for sharing time.  This included each of her classmates giving her a compliment that was recorded on the back of the poster. Then she shared her special item she brought.  It was really neat to be a part of her day and hear all the wonderful things her classmates said about her.
Great shot, huh?
Recording the compliments.  See below for the complete list!
Here she is listening.  I don't know why I didn't get any better shots.  Well, Maybe it was because I had to pay attention to Alex.  By the way, she's wearing pajamas because it was twin day and she was dressed like her friend, Kaia.

  • I love how thoughful Katie is. ~Ms. Terc

  • I like how she's thankful. ~Makaila

  • She's very good at math. ~Alberto

  • She's good at dancing. ~Ana

  • She is helpful. ~Jayden

  • She has a good heart and she's good at telling time. ~Charisma

  • She's friendly and she stops to help when someone gets hurt. ~Angel

  • She is good at writing and drawing. ~Bailey

  • She is good at playing games cooperatively. ~Robert

  • She is good at maing things and she's respectful. ~Leslie

  • She's forgiving. ~Pedro

  • We love her as a friend. ~Genisis

  • She is a good artist. ~Kaia

  • She's a very nice friend forever. ~Ken

  • She is talented. ~Thomas

  • She is kind. ~Sayra

  • She is a good leader. ~Hailey

  • Katie is gentle and patient with her friends. ~Mrs. Payer
While we were there, we got to see a dance that Katie made up and taught her class.  There was a lot of talk about what a great dancer Katie is. :) OK, I was going to post the video, but now I don't see the button for that.  I'll try again later.