Wow! We've had a great Christmas so far. I didn't snap that many pictures, guess I was too busy enjoying everything. The kids were both excited to find presents under the Christmas trees in their rooms when they woke up. Santa left each of them a new Fur Real pet. Then it was time to check out their stockings. Alex was excited to find a train whistle just like Mrs. Johnston's. If fact, everytime he opened a present he blew it to show how excited he was.
The kids could hardly wait to dig into the pile of presents under the tree. Too bad I made them eat breakfast first. I thought I kept it pretty simple this year, but there sure were a lot of things to open. Alex was ecstatic to open the one thing on his wish list, Scooby Doo Haunted House game.
Katie was super excited to see that Santa knew that she wanted Barbie from Barbie and the Diamond Castle.
We went to mass at Noon, then came home and played with LOTS of new games. We had a great time putting together Marble Works and playing with Alex's new Hot Wheels set. The kids' favorite toy was Alex's present to Don...a mini air hockey table!
Grammy, Grampy, & Uncle Peter came over for dinner and the kids got to open even more presents. We had a yummy dinner and also lit the Hanukkah candles, the kids got Hanukkah presents too.
Our next Christmas will be when Grandpa & Corinne get here. They plan on leaving Tuesday Morning, so hopefully we'll see them sometime Wednesday.
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