Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Campfire Stories

It's been awhile since I blogged anything...

Question of the Day: Did you go to summer camp? What is your favorite memory/story? If you didn't go to camp, do you feel like you missed out?

I went to King's Lake Girl Scout camp for many summers as a kid, both with my entire family and just with my sister. I also went to another Girl Scount Camp a few times as well as to a church camp with a friend. I LOVED Camp. There are so many memories:
*Freezy Foggy (Polare Bear Swims)
* Hidden Breakfast Hikes
* Campfire Songs ("There was a Whale in 'Frisco Bay....")
* Singing grace before going in for meals.
* Craft projects.
* Barges
* Pen Pals for life!
* The underwater cabin & corn field.

I can't choose just one favorite memory, but I loved all of the times that we went as a family. Our "cabins" were giant tents on platforms. One night both my Dad and I rolled out of the tent onto the ground. I can still picture my mom walking through camp with me. I loved all of the camp songs and differnt camp "communities." I REALLY loved all the singing around the campfire. Not only were there songs but story telling too. I will definately make sure my kids get the camp experience.

1 comment:

KingsLakeGirlScouts said...

I'm looking to connect with any of the camp counselors/directors of the King's Lake Girl Scout camp from the 60s, 70s and 80s! Do you know of any? Thanks! :)