Wednesday, August 20, 2008

7 years!!

On Monday Don and I celebrated 7 years of marriage! Wow. On Saturday we were able to go out to a show. We saw Terry Fator, the ventriloquist who won America's Got Talent. He was AMAZING. He is so funny and can do so many voices. He sang Gnarles Barkley, Fergie, Michael Jackson, and a so many more. I would definitely recommend seeing his show.

We split up our celebration, we did the show first and then on Monday we went out to dinner at the Melting Pot. It was delicious. Don wasn't too sure about cooking our own food. He said he thinks he'd rather have his food brought to him ready to eat! It was a nice chance for us to just get to hang out and enjoy each other's company over the 2 hour meal. Our favorite part of the meal was dessert, Flaming Turtle Chocolate Fondue....Chocolate & Carmel that is lit on fire and then pecans tossed in to toast. DELICIOUS!! I loved the atmosphere, so fun. However, I think my cheese fondue is better than theirs! :)

We're looking forward many more wonderful years.

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