Sunday, August 24, 2008

Katie is starting Kindergarten!

I can't believe that my little girl is starting Kindergarten in the morning. She is very excited and so am I! I am so happy that she gets to stay at the Co-op for Kindergarten. She already knows most of the 11 kids in her class and her teacher is wonderful.

It will sure be a change to have to be at school on-time 5 days a week. Tuesday & Thursday mornings will find Alex and I together. Kids have a way of growing up so fast. I can't wait to hear all about her day tomorrow when I pick her up. We are going to have to start a first day of school tradition.

Here is a picture of Katie with her teacher, Mrs. Ferraro, on Friday at "Meet the Teacher."

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

7 years!!

On Monday Don and I celebrated 7 years of marriage! Wow. On Saturday we were able to go out to a show. We saw Terry Fator, the ventriloquist who won America's Got Talent. He was AMAZING. He is so funny and can do so many voices. He sang Gnarles Barkley, Fergie, Michael Jackson, and a so many more. I would definitely recommend seeing his show.

We split up our celebration, we did the show first and then on Monday we went out to dinner at the Melting Pot. It was delicious. Don wasn't too sure about cooking our own food. He said he thinks he'd rather have his food brought to him ready to eat! It was a nice chance for us to just get to hang out and enjoy each other's company over the 2 hour meal. Our favorite part of the meal was dessert, Flaming Turtle Chocolate Fondue....Chocolate & Carmel that is lit on fire and then pecans tossed in to toast. DELICIOUS!! I loved the atmosphere, so fun. However, I think my cheese fondue is better than theirs! :)

We're looking forward many more wonderful years.

What has been your favorite mistake?

What has been your favorite mistake?

Easy answer.....Katie! :)

Although I would never really consider her a mistake, just an early surprise that I consider a gift from God. I can't believe she starts Kindergarten on Monday.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Question of the day

What's your favorite season and why?

In Vegas I have to say Fall is my favorite season. After long summers it's so nice when the weather starts to cool. I love the day when it's time to put away the shorts and slip into a pair of jeans. My favorite feeling is the warm sun on your back in the cool air. Fall brings so many classes at school, & church, the chance to meet new friends, time to start using the oven to cook again so time for new recipes...Fall means that the Holiday season is approaching and there are usually a ton of things to do with friends and family.

Fall is the time of year when it's cool enough to play in the park, take bike rides and enjoy walks. I also love fall colors, they are so warm.

What is YOUR favorite season?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Question of the day.

What three qualities do you look for in a partner?

1. Honesty
2. Integrity
3. Love of others and a good sense of humor.

(OK, is that really 4?)

It's hard to pick only 3 qualities. What about you?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's been awhile...

So, it's been a long time since I posted anything. I've enjoyed our summer, but I am looking forward to cooler weather and the kids getting back to school.

I can't believe that Katie will be starting Kindergarten. Wasn't she just learning to walk yesterday? I'm so glad that she gets to stay at the Co-op for kindergarten. I love that I get to be in her class on a regular basis. She's excited too. This fall she's going to start Tennis lessons and continue with Kidshine, the music program she's been doing.

Alex turned 3! Wow. He is hilarious, but has such a temper. Good thing he is so dang cute. He's talking a ton more, but the poor guy isn't very easy to understand. I'm going to have him evaluated for speech, hopefully there is a solution for him. He still LOVES books and he's really into Scooby Doo these days. He's excited to be in the 3s class this year because they have "capes" in their classroom. He really wants to take Tennis lessons too, but he'll have to wait until he's 4, in the mean time he can do gymnastics. On Tuesdays and Thursdays it will just be the two of us while Katie's in school...that will sure be different, but I'm sure a ton of fun too.

I'm so excited for this fall. I get to plan events for the co-op and the first big one is the Harvest Festival. I plan on having a ton of fun games and activities for families to do together. I'm also excited for both my Lemongrass and lia sophia businesses. Both companies have new catalogs and amazing new products. Lemongrass's launch isn't until the 18th and I can't wait to try all the new face products and try a new scent. I get to start up teaching at church again too. I've been involved with making some changes to our program so I'm really excited.

Don and I will be celebrating our 7th anniversary on Monday. We are going to go to the Melting Pot. It should be fun and I'm looking forward to a night out with him.

Guess I'm caught up for now. :) I'm going to try and be better about updating my blog, because I love reading everybody else's.

Now if I could just figure out how to link my favorite blogs to my page.....:)

Campfire Stories

It's been awhile since I blogged anything...

Question of the Day: Did you go to summer camp? What is your favorite memory/story? If you didn't go to camp, do you feel like you missed out?

I went to King's Lake Girl Scout camp for many summers as a kid, both with my entire family and just with my sister. I also went to another Girl Scount Camp a few times as well as to a church camp with a friend. I LOVED Camp. There are so many memories:
*Freezy Foggy (Polare Bear Swims)
* Hidden Breakfast Hikes
* Campfire Songs ("There was a Whale in 'Frisco Bay....")
* Singing grace before going in for meals.
* Craft projects.
* Barges
* Pen Pals for life!
* The underwater cabin & corn field.

I can't choose just one favorite memory, but I loved all of the times that we went as a family. Our "cabins" were giant tents on platforms. One night both my Dad and I rolled out of the tent onto the ground. I can still picture my mom walking through camp with me. I loved all of the camp songs and differnt camp "communities." I REALLY loved all the singing around the campfire. Not only were there songs but story telling too. I will definately make sure my kids get the camp experience.