Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pony Rides

Last week Alex, his buddy, Bryce, and I headed to the Pony Farm with many of our playgroup pals. The boys had a great time. I was able to snap a few pictures before I dropped my camera while rescuing Alex from a goat in the goat pen. The weather was perfect and the boys were great. After riding the ponies a bunch of times, we wandered over to check out the peacocks, chickens, horses, donkeys and ponies. The kids got to hold a peacock egg and a hen egg. Too bad my camera broke, because the peacocks were beautiful, especially the albino ones.


Nichole said...

That place is great. I keep trying to convince the girls to have a birthday party there, no luck so far. Watch out for those goats!

Almen, Almond, or Almendra said...

The last pic of Bryce is so funny! Poor Alex, only he could manage almost getting eaten by a goat!

Shari said...

We've never been there. Where is it? I feel Alex's pain, when I was a kid, a goat at a petting zoo in Florida was eating at my halter strings!