- I don't have a belly button.
- I love being a stay at home mom, although I think it should be called an on-the-go, not enough time in the day mom! :)
- I've always wanted to go sky diving.
- I LOVE ice cream.
- I love to cook and try new recipes.
- I'm growing my hair out.....for now.
- I love reading a good book and always a little sad when I finish.
- I love 80 hair band music. When ever I hear a song from that genre, I feel like it's MY song!
- I have a Master's in Educational Counseling. I'd love to become a Marriage & Family Counselor one day.
- I am a Sr. Regional Director with Lemongrass Spa. I LOVE the natural products, how they smell, how they feel, how they HEAL skin without chemicals!
- Going to "work" is a BLAST! I plan on having the house that Lemongrass Built.
- I can't wait to go to Denver on Thursday and experience all the new Lemongrass Products!
- I am also an advisor with lia sophia. I'm in love with the jewelry too. They have the best hostess incentives!
- I really hope Don gets a job in Spokane so we can move.
- I serve on the Board of Directors for the kids' preschool.
- I teach a 4th grade Eucharist Prep Class at church.
- I play in two Bunco groups.
- I want to own a cabin on a lake someday.
- My favorite color is green.
- I taught 5th grade for 7 years.
- I love doing logic puzzles & Sudoku.
- I read the funny pages and Dear Abby everyday.
- I also read the letters to the editor.
- My favorite web site is PostSecret.
- I broke my collar bone in 4th grade and my wrist in 6th grade.
- My favorite vacation was when my entire family went to Hawaii my senior year in college. It was so much fun. I loved snorkeling and renting mopeds the most.
- I love reading about early American History.
- I love everything Little House on the Prairie. My favorite shows were the ones with Almonzo.
- I watched ER since it's first season and I don't think I've missed any episodes.
- I love cheesy romantic comedies and fairy tales. I loved the Princess Diaries, Ella Enchanted, Enchanted, the movie with Drew Barrymore as "Cinderella."
- I enjoy watching the Barbie Movies with Katie, they're actually pretty good.
- I don't believe in watching TV during an meal.
- I think the problem with our society is that not enough people eat dinner as a family.
- When I think of my family (parents & siblings) I picture us around the dinner table, laughing a talking.
- I miss my mom.
- I love watching my kids play together. They are so funny and love each other so much!
- I love getting the mail. There is nothing better than getting "real mail." I believe that someday I will receive a big check in the mail.
- I love looking at old pictures.
- I can roll my tongue.
- I can't touch my right shoulder with my right hand.
- I wear size 11 shoes, thanks for that one kids!
- I love playing board games and card games.
- I love swimming, but I don't love wearing a swim suit!
- I wish I were more crafty.
- I am really bad at decorating.
- I subscribe to 4 different cooking magazines and as soon as the come, I mark the pages with the recipes I want to try.
- I like to make a menu out a week ahead of time, although I don't always do it.
- I organize my grocery list by section, i.e. dairy, produce, baking, middle isles.
- I'm not a very good house keeper. Someday I'll have a cleaning service.
- I have a goal of visiting all 50 states.
- I used to get carsick as a kid. Sometimes I still feel sick if I ride in the back.
- I get sunburned really easily.
- I've never colored my hair or waxed my eyebrows!
- I like to write in Calligraphy.
- I was in a sorority in college.
- I was a Girl Scout for years.
- I had the best time at Girl Scout Camp, I hope Katie gets to have those experiences.
- I love camping! Nothing beats fire roasted hot dogs and smores!
- I love getting pedicures!
- I'm kind of flaky when it comes to calling people that I want to talk to, but I think about my long distance friends all of the time.
- I really want to live in the same city as my little sister.
- I like the turbulance when flying.
- I love caricature sketches.
- I love reading other people's blogs.
- I hate shopping!
- I hate wearing shoes with backs, give me flip flops & slides any day.
- I love cold fall days when the sun warms your back.
- I love curling up under a blanket with a cup of tea or hot cocoa and a good book.
- Sometimes I let the answering machine pick up if I'm watching a good TV show.
- When I was a kid I had a paper route and made pretty good money.
- I've always been very independent and don't like to ask for help.
- I am really good at listening to people.
- I believe in helping others help themselves.
- I don't turn on the oven during the summer. If it can't be grilled or cooked on top of the stove, I don't make it.
- When ever I go home to Quincy I have to have Zack's Pizzamania at least once.
- I think my rehearsal dinner for my wedding is the best one I've ever been too. Grilled steaks, fresh corn on the cob in my parent's back yard. So fun, relaxing and yummy!
- Some of my favorite memories are sitting on the back porch in the summer with my dad.
- The spring break before I got married my dad and went to New England and visited a ton of cool places. It was so much fun.
- I check my email a million times a day.
- When I was in college, my friend Amy and I used to drive into Spokane to go feed the ducks at Manito park. One time we saw a dad accidentally knock his daughter into the pond.
- My favorite picture of all time is a picture of my mom and I in the snow. I'm sitting on a giant snowball with my big furry hood surrounding my face and the biggest grin. It was a blue coat, and for some reason it reminds me of Grover from Sesame Street.
- I took piano lessons for a long time and played the flute starting in 6th grade. I can still read music and occasionally pull out my flute and play for the kids. I'd really like to have a piano in our next house.
- I love to sing, although I'm really bad.
- I make up silly songs for the kids all the time.
- I love reading aloud to people, especially kids.
- I like to draw, but I'm not very good and I can never think of anything to draw. If someone told me to draw a picture, I'd draw the same thing I always do: A tree next to a pond with a mama duck and her babies swimming. So lame!
- I'm addicted to MySpace.
- I want to learn how to crochet.
- I want to learn how to play the guitar.
- My thumbs look like toes. They are so wide I have a hard time finding bowling balls that fit. When I was in a bowling league when I was little, they had to drill a special ball for me!
- I'm horrible at pool, but it's fun to play.
- I love making cheesecake.
- I went to World Youth Day in Denver in 1993. It was so awesome to be at the opening ceremony with the Pope, even though we were on the top row of Mile High Stadium and it poured rain. It was so awesome!
- My first concert was Warrant, FireHouse, & Trixter when I was 15. Two of my friends and I went together, my mom dropped us off and then my uncle picked us up. We were small town girls in the big city! We had so much fun, but were so naive!
- Def Leppard is still my favorite band of all time.
- I love MTV Real World/Road Rules challenges. I love watching Rock of Love on VH1.
- When I was a Junior AND Senior in High School I went on field trips to the Cadaver Lab at WSU. It was the coolest thing I have ever experienced. I found it so fascinating. There were a bunch of cadavers, dissected for different purposes, plus a bunch of learning stations. I can remember everything so clearly. It was SO fascinating. I really should go see the "Bodies" exhibit if it still in Vegas, cuz I bet it's really cool.
- I don't like scary movies.
- When I was little I had a stuffed bear, Kiara, and a stuffed dog, Taco, that "talked" whenever my dad was around. They were real! Well, when I was in 1st grade, we moved to another town and my mom didn't grab Taco off of my bed before the movers packed him. I was so upset. My dad kept telling me how mad Taco was going to be because he was in a box somewhere. When we finally got to our new house, I tore open every box in my room to find Taco and he wasn't there! We finally found him a week or so later (I think) in a box for the office. Taco was so mad that he wouldn't "talk" to me for months. He would only talk to my dad! I still have both of them, my dad insisted that I take them with me when I moved to Vegas.
- I have the best husband in the universe.
Wow! I can't believe I finished. That took a long time! :)