4. What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
This is a hard question to answer. I had a happy childhood all around. I have to choose an event that occurred more than once.
My happiest memories are boating with my entire family. There is just something so fun about packing up a lunch and spending the day at the river. I loved every part of it. I loved tubing behind the boat. I loved swimming in the water. I loved building in the sand. I loved riding in the boat. When I think back to all the time we spent on the boat, I'm always happy. Everybody was always having a good time. There was lots of laughter and fun. It was a time when we all came together to get things done. We all helped load and unload, pack and unpack, and we all worked together.
I can still close my eyes and feel the warmth of the sun, smell the exhaust from the boat, taste the sunchips, and hear the fun and laughter. I can remember the happy, tired feeling driving in the car on the way home. If I could recreate one event with my family, it would have to be a day on the boat.
When I read your question, going to the lake popped into my head too. We would always go with my dad growing up. Now when we go back to the lake, all the smells and feelings come back and it's like I get to visit my dad since he's no longer here with us.
I can remember it being my birthday and I went grocery shopping with my grandparents. The was a small toy section on the end of an isle and I stopped to look. I showed my grandfather a chalkboard set with an eraser and said I wish I would get one of those for my birthday. I sat it back on the isle and as we were cking out I heard them discussing something and noticed my grandad had taken back some can goods so he could buy it for me. I don't remember anything else about that birthday but it was the best gift ever because I witnessed their sacrifice because they loved me.
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