Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Second Grade!

Katie started second grade on Monday.  Before going to Open House on Friday she wasn't excited about going back to school.  After Open House she said she was excited.
Here is she before heading to school. It is our family tradition to bring flowers to the teacher on the first day of school.
Ready for 2nd grade!
Of course, once we got to school she was excited to see her friends. Here she is with her friends from first grade, Kaia and Hailey.
Once the music played it was time to head to their new lines and head to the new classroom. 
Katie and her 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Blomquist
I was excited to hear about her first day of second grade when we picked her up from school.  She didn't have anything good to report.  She was disappointed in her day.  It pretty much broke my heart. She said the best part of her day was seeing her friend, Kaia. She complained that recess and lunch were too short, the kids in her class were annoying, and the day was boring. That night before bed she said she was going to call in sick to school in the morning.  The next morning she hid in her closet and said she wasn't going to school.  Heartbreaking!

However, we talked about things and she asked me to talk to her teacher.  She was concerned because in order to have "Fun Friday" the class has to earn it. She didn't think it was fair that even if she was good, ("because, I'm ALWAYS good") she might not get to have Fun Friday and she really loves Fun Friday.  One of her first lessons that life isn't always "fair."  We got to school and I did have a little chat with her teacher. I left hoping she had a better day.

Day two turned out MUCH better than day one! :)  Yippee! She even told me she made friends with the girl who was bugging her the day before. This morning, for day 3 of second grade, she had no complaints about going.  Yea!   I guess that first grade was so great that there was no way second grade could live up to it. She was spoiled in Mrs. Payer's class. I know she will adjust and have another great year at Gilbert!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh that's sad that the first day was a bit of a let down. I think it takes two weeks for kids to adjust to the new school year. I hope it keeps getting better!